BRICS Membership: Pakistan Strategic Move Seeking Amidst Shifting Global Power Dynamics

In a significant development in international relations, Pakistan has formally expressed its interest in joining the BRICS alliance, signaling a noteworthy shift in its foreign policy. This move is strategically positioned as the world grapples with evolving global challenges, presenting an opportunity for Pakistan to leverage its potential BRICS affiliation as a diplomatic lever, particularly in reducing the traditional influence of the United States.

Evolution of BRICS and Its Significance

Originally comprised of Brazil, Russia, India, and China, BRICS later expanded its ranks to include South Africa in 2010. The alliance established the New Development Bank to provide financial assistance to member states. Recent engagements, such as a virtual conference in South Africa addressing critical issues like the Gaza crisis, underscore the alliance’s growing relevance.

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The Strategic Calculus Behind Pakistan’s Bid

Pakistan’s bid for BRICS membership is not impulsive but driven by careful consideration of global dynamics. Amidst discontent with U.S. policies, particularly in the aftermath of the Afghan war and the Ukraine situation, Pakistan’s interim government has seized the opportune moment to make this strategic move.

Diminishing Regional Influence: A Catalyst for BRICS Aspiration

One key factor motivating Pakistan’s BRICS bid is the diminishing influence of regional groups like SAARC and OIC. Recent developments, including exclusion from vital OIC events and diplomatic delegations, have highlighted Pakistan’s reduced influence within these groups. BRICS, therefore, emerges as a more potent platform for Pakistan to assert itself on the global stage.

Strengthening Relations with India: A Diplomatic Opportunity

A pivotal aspect of Pakistan’s BRICS aspirations lies in the potential to strengthen its relationship with India. With India playing a significant role in the alliance, BRICS provides a diplomatic avenue for dialogue, fostering the prospect of improved relations between the two nations. Joining BRICS could serve as a catalyst for resolving persistent conflicts, including the longstanding Kashmir dispute.

Economic Considerations: Navigating Away from Dollar Dominance

Acknowledging the waning dominance of the U.S. dollar and the growing trend of local currency trading, Pakistan seeks alternatives to navigate economic challenges exacerbated by IMF and World Bank policies. BRICS, standing as a viable option, presents itself as a counterbalance to the Western-led international order.

BRICS on the Global Stage: A Developing Alternative Leadership

In a broader context, BRICS aims to establish itself as a significant alternative, if not a replacement, to the U.S.-led Western leadership, particularly for developing nations. More than 40 countries have expressed interest in BRICS membership, with Egypt, Ethiopia, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Iran expected to join in 2024. The potential inclusion of Iran and Saudi Arabia highlights a shared understanding that ideological flexibility is crucial to overcoming future challenges.

Dual Benefits for Pakistan: Strengthening Ties and Global Standing

For Pakistan, joining BRICS offers dual advantages. Firstly, it facilitates enhanced cooperation with BRICS nations, strengthening both economic and diplomatic ties. Secondly, it elevates Pakistan’s global standing, providing a more persuasive platform, especially in interactions with Western powers like the United States. Over time, BRICS membership holds the promise of easing tensions between Pakistan and India, marking a pivotal diplomatic victory for both nations.

Brief Conclusion: Pakistan’s BRICS Bid

In summary, Pakistan’s bid to join BRICS is a strategic move to diversify alliances, reduce dependency on traditional powers, and address regional challenges. Beyond diplomatic leverage, BRICS offers economic and diplomatic cooperation, elevating Pakistan’s global standing. As BRICS evolves, Pakistan’s inclusion adds complexity, signaling a shift in global cooperation. This initiative holds potential for reshaping geopolitics and easing tensions in South Asia, showcasing Pakistan’s adaptability on the world stage.

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