Bavaria Public Holidays 2023: A Guide to Maximizing Your Breaks

Bavaria Public Holidays 2023 boasts the highest number of public holidays among the German states. By skillfully planning your holidays, you can make the most of your time off in 2022 and 2023.

Berlin: Bavaria holds the record for the most holidays in Germany. In addition to the standard holidays like Christmas and Easter, Bavaria observes additional holidays such as Corpus Christi and All Saints’ Day. Most Catholic communities also celebrate the Assumption of Mary.

The year 2023 will feature numerous public holidays, including bridge days that offer the opportunity to extend your time off by two days. Let’s 

take a closer look at the holiday schedule in Bavaria for 2023.


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Maximizing Bridge Days in 2023

There will be plenty of public holidays again in 2023, with bridge days doubling the holiday. These are the public holidays and a list of the bridge days:

These are the holidays in Bavaria in 2023


  • New Year: January 1, 2023 (Sunday).
  • Three Kings: January 6, 2023 (Friday).
  • Good Friday: April 7, 2023 (Friday).
  • Easter Sunday: April 9, 2023 (Sunday, only a church holiday).
  • Easter Monday: April 10, 2023 (Monday).
  • Labor Day: May 1, 2023 (Monday).
  • Ascension Day: May 18, 2023 (Thursday).
  • Pentecost Sunday: May 28, 2022 (Sunday, only a church holiday).
  • Whit Monday: May 29, 2023 (Monday).
  • Corpus Christi: June 8, 2023 (Thursday).
  • Peace Festival (Augsburg only): August 8, 2023 (Tuesday).
  • Assumption of Mary (only in Catholic communities): August 15, 2023 (Tuesday).
  • Day of German Unity: October 3, 2023 (Tuesday).
  • All Saints Day: November 1, 2023 (Wednesday).
  • Christmas Day: December 25, 2023 (Monday).
  • Boxing Day: December 26, 2023 (Tuesday).
  • Use bridging days 2023 correctly.


Ascension Day and Corpus Christi: These two holidays fall on a Thursday. You can enjoy a five-day vacation by taking the preceding Wednesday and the following Friday off.

Peace Festival: The Peace Festival is exclusive to Augsburg. However, for residents of Augsburg, you can enjoy four days of vacation in the same week with just one day off on August 9.

Assumption Day and German Unity Day: In 2023, Assumption Day also lands on a Tuesday. It allows Bavarians and Catholic community members to enjoy a four-day vacation by taking August 14 off. German Unity Day also falls on a Tuesday. Anyone with October 2nd off can enjoy a four-day break.

All Saints Day: In 2023, All Saints Day falls on a Wednesday. You can take Monday and Tuesday off or Thursday and Friday to maximize your time off, ensuring at least five consecutive work-free days.

Christmas and New Year’s Eve: Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday in 2023. Boxing Day is also a public holiday, and you can extend your holiday up to New Year’s Eve. Take December 27 to 29 off, and you’ll have nine consecutive vacation days.


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Holidays in 2022: Making the Most of Bridge Days


Maximizing Bridge Days in 2023

Holidays in 2022 offer an excellent opportunity to maximize your time off. With proper planning, leveraging bridge days can nearly double your time away from work.


Let’s explore the holiday schedule in Bavaria for 2022 and how to make the most of bridge days:


  • *New Year’s Day: January 1st, 2022 (Saturday)
  • *Three Kings: January 6th, 2022 (Thursday)
  • *Good Friday: April 15th, 2022 (Friday)
  • *Easter Sunday: April 17, 2022 (Sunday, not a religious holiday)
  • *Easter Monday: April 18th, 2022 (Monday)
  • *Labor Day: May 1st, 2022 (Sunday)
  • *Ascension Day: May 26th, 2022 (Thursday)
  • *Pentecost Sunday: June 5, 2022 (Sunday, not a church holiday)
  • *Whit Monday: June 6th, 2022 (Monday)
  • *Corpus Christi: June 16th, 2022 (Thursday)
  • *Peace Festival (Augsburg only): August 8, 2022 (Monday)
  • *Assumption of Mary (only in Catholic communities): August 15, 2022 (Monday)
  • *Day of German Unity: October 3rd, 2022 (Monday)
  • *All Saints Day: November 1st, 2022 (Tuesday)
  • *Christmas Day: December 25th, 2022 (Sunday)
  • *Boxing Day: December 26th, 2022 (Monday)


Leveraging Bridge Days for Maximum Time Off


Epiphany: Since January 1 and February 2 are both weekends, you don’t need time off. 

However, Epiphany, celebrated on January 6, falls on a Thursday. By taking a vacation between January 3rd and 5th and January 7, you can enjoy nine consecutive days off while using only four days.

Easter: April offers an excellent opportunity to take advantage of bridge days. Due to the Easter holiday, April 15 to 18 (from Friday to Monday) is free. If you aim to have an extended Easter break, you can plan a vacation from April 11 to 14 and April 19 to 22. Including the weekends of April 9th and 10th and April 23rd and 24th allows you to enjoy 16 days off, requiring just eight days of vacation.

Ascension Day: Ascension Day (May 26) consistently falls on a Thursday. Taking the following day off, Friday, May 27, will allow you to enjoy a four-day weekend.

Pentecost and Corpus Christi: June offers numerous opportunities for extended breaks in Bavaria. Whit Monday falls on June 6. If you take a vacation between May 7 and 10, you can relish nine days off, including two weekends. Furthermore, Thursday, June 16, in Corpus Christi, makes Friday an ideal bridge day.

Assumption Day: Assumption Day is celebrated in various Bavarian districts. By taking a bridge day, you can enjoy nine consecutive days off.

 In 2023, Assumption Day falls on August 15, a Monday. A vacation from August 16 to 19 entitles you to a break from August 13 to 21.

German Unity Day: German Unity Day is observed on the first Monday of October 2022. If you want to turn an extended weekend into an entire week of vacation, plan your break from October 4 to 7.

All Saints Day: Saints Day falls on November 1 in Bavaria. Since the holiday lands on a Tuesday, you can request time off between November 2 and 4, securing six consecutive days of vacation.

Christmas and New Year’s Eve: Christmas Eve and Christmas Day fall on weekends in 2022, with Boxing Day on a Monday. To enjoy a holiday break between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, taking December 27th and 30th off will provide you with the desired rest.

You can maximize your time off in Bavaria by strategically using these bridge days and holiday opportunities.



Bavaria’s abundance of public holidays and strategic use of bridge days allow residents to maximize their time off in 2022 and 2023. Planning their vacations wisely will enable them to enjoy extended breaks and make the most of these holidays. Whether taking advantage of the long Easter weekend or strategically selecting bridge days, Bavarians have a range of options to make the most of their precious time away from work.

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